Introducing SecureScan

Email Scanning and Alerts are an essential part of any modern business, from Document Transmission, to Process Control alerts and Alarms. Email is one of the easiest, fastest delivery methods for this Business-Critical information. Sadly it is not always the most Secure. Many Managed Print Providers and IT Departments either create security holes in on-site mail servers or use public / ISP Provided SMTP servers which send mail unencrypted, are prone to hacking, have bad SPAM reputation scores, have blacklisted IP addresses and are prone to man in the middle attacks or deliver mail slowly due to queues.

SecureScan is a product created out of decades of knowledge in the Managed Print and IT industries to deliver clients an Ultra Fast, Ultra Reliable and Ultra Secure solution to delivering Scanned Documents and Email Alerts, without compromise, for your business.

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The Problem with Public SMTP Servers.

Traditionally Email Scanning or Email Alerts are sent unsecured over a public SMTP server or by opening unsecure ports on an internal email server. This creates security and reputation issues where these servers (in the case of public) are often used to send SPAM emails, lowering your emails score and making it more likely that an important email makes it into the Junk folder rather than the inbox and (in the case of on site private servers) creates security holes on your corporate network meaning locally infected machines or rogue network users can send unsolicited emails from your companies IP address, potentially blacklisting or lowering the reputation of all emails delivered from your office.


Above shows a standard scenario where a public SMTP Server is used. In this case Public users emails, SPAM and Virus laden emails and your Scanned Documents & Alerts all pass through the same server unchecked. On the recipients side a corporate spam filter would often quarantine or completely delete mails from these problematic public SMTP servers, meaning important documents often get lost in transit and not seen by Important Clients.

The Problem with Enterprise Email Solutions.

Enterprise Email Services focus on security, Which is Great. The issue arises when your Photocopier/MFP/Scanner or other device which uses Email Alerts is a step behind. Most of these devices, even new models, Do not support enhanced authentication methods required by these Enterprise Email Services such as MFA (Multi Factor Authentication) or older TLS/SSL encryption.

For instance as of Q3 2020, Microsoft 365 Mail Services no longer support TLS 1.0 or 1.1, Google repeatedly discuss disallowing 'less secure apps' access. Rendering a lot of equipment which still has years of productivity left as unable to send Emails. With an enterprise Service the deprecation of Encryption and Security protocols is at the whim of their engineering team and with their focus on easily upgrade-able desktop email clients, this leaves many Email Enabled Devices in the dark.


The other large issue faced by using 3rd party SMTP services bought through Web Hosting companies, Internet Providers and other providers is they often do not know (or care) where the server is operated from, where backups for those servers are held or what data retention policy is in place. Since the 25th of May 2018, GDPR regulations have been enforced in the EU, Meaning data pertaining to EU citizens has to be stored, retained and audit trailed inside the EU. Low cost providers often use cheaper data centers in the US or Asia which means you are not compliant with GDPR rules and your business could face fines or prosecution from the Data Protection Commissioner.


The SureScan Solution.

SecureScan SMTP Services are the Solution. Our Managed SMTP platform is configured to accept Email relay from any service provider, to almost all available security standards and forward them to recipients email servers in a Fast, Secure, Encrypted manner with full audit trailing and security reports. SecureScan is suitable for single device installations using a dynamic IP over public internet connections and heavily secured installations through secure VPN tunnels to ensure untampered communication to only intended recipients. With full GDPR compliance, audit report availability, low SPAM scoring and a high reputation domain ensuring secure, fast, inbox delivery to customers and employees alike.

  • TLS Encryption from SecureScan to Recipient

  • SPF for Increased Reputation and Reduced SPAM Score

  • DMARC Reporting to ensure Email Delivery

  • Audit Report for GDPR & ISO Compliance

  • DKIM To prevent Message Tampering and Ensure Sender Legitimacy

  • Ultra Fast 2.7 Second Transaction Time

SecureScan works in tandem with your existing Email solution to provide secure Document and Alert Email delivery for business users. It is compatible with all Email Providers and Email enabled devices such as Photocopiers, Network Scanners, CCTV Systems, BMS Systems, LightsOut Server Management, UPS Systems, Smart HVAC and Heat Pump Systems, IoT Devices, Smart Alarm Systems and Automation Equipment.

The Secure Choice.


Look for the SecureScan logo on Documents sent with SecureScan

If you would like any further information on SecureScan or to sign up for a no obligation 14 day free trial, you can contact us by clicking here , emailing or telephoning +353 86 303 3091.